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Who We Are

Concrete Wall
Happy Children

Family Promise partners with families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by helping them get back on their feet so they can create a stable lifestyle for their children.


We provide temporary housing and personalized mentoring to homeless families. 


We are a network of community members and local churches who work together to provide a "hand up" for others in our community. ​


Family homelessness is becoming more and more prevalent in our community. Families with children are the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population making up almost 50 percent of those who are homeless in West Michigan. Family Promise is doing everything in our power to end family homelessness….one family at a time. Most of the families we help are just like ours, but they haven’t been able to overcome a difficult situation.


That’s where Family Promise can help! When we help parents meet their basic needs and give them the opportunity to create a vision for the future, their dreams of providing a better life for their children are realized. This changes our community and improves the lives of future generations.


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